First-Ever Review of 8BitMMO

Robby “Sim9″ Zinchak is doing some remarkable work on a free-to-play in-your-browser totally-awesome-game project! Also, I used-too-many-hyphens in that last sentence. But seriously, I gave 8BitMMO a try last night and now keep trying to figure out whether to focus on work or returning to my 8-Bit home and continue building. Hopefully work will win out. Or maybe I secretly hope that. . .

<3  Check out the full post here along with Jenito Games’ MicroTale project

Username changes

In an upcoming update, I will be restricting some of the text characters that you can use in a username.  This will affect extremely few people, but if you are affected, please contact me to get your user name updated.

Allowed characters in usernames will now be:

  • a-z
  • A-Z
  • 0-9
  • space (but not at the start or end of a username, and not more than one consecutively)
  • dash
  • underscore
  • dot

PS – if there’s a specific character you really want, I can look into supporting it 🙂