So I rendered out a megamap of the entire world last night, and it is AMAZING. I will try to get a version with shading on and share.
Month: February 2012
Build 384 deployed with better…
Some server fixes deployed tha…
1100 registered users!
Hm, so I guess my hair is purp…
Hm, so I guess my hair is purple now. #hungover #wtfHappenedLastNight
I’ve added a /who command
FanArt Winner
Optimizations & Load Testing
I wrote an app to generate many connections to the server and simulate many players moving around:
After doing some optimizations (now on the live server), I was pleased to have the server still perform well, even with 250 (simulated) players moving around at the same time. Since the server is running in debug mode, I expect once I switch to release mode it will be even higher!
New frontpage
I got a new frontpage set up today that has a little description and embedded trailer. This is nice because new users can see what the game is before downloading a meg of code & asset files.
If you’re running in low-res, it’ll autohide the sidebar, and otherwise it’ll show it in normal situations. I tested the site in Firefox, Chrome, and IE — but if it looks broken in your browser, please let me know.