8BitMMO is an awesome indie construction sandbox game, but it’s not free to develop and run. That’s why every year we do a fundraiser / sale to help raise money for servers and development.
Our server infrastructure costs about $445 each month, so our goal for this sale is to cover server costs for the next year ($5,340). Every purchase helps offset this cost! If we manage to reach this goal, I will double your gold & plat purchased during the fundraiser!
Support development and get great rewards. In addition to the usual gold & platinum you get from purchases, for the next month you get extra goodies — read up here for details.
Note that any October purchases have been grandfathered into the fundraiser — I figure that’s only fair since folks are used to October purchases being part of the fundraiser and I was late in starting this year.
NO I NEED THAT PLAT I CANT get plat im 9 please
i need a safe and dont have plat
Over 1000$ dollar on the first day!
Glad you started the fundraiser after all, huh? 😀
well i wanted to get plat even if its not fundraiser but… i cant donate my real money beacue i cant send u KMS!
KM is konvertibilna marka
D: Sim I want to give you 500$ but i can’t i am a kid 🙁 (but i have the money)