And for once I saved the stream, so here’s an archived copy oops, didn’t realize one of the vocaloid tracks is not okay to use on youtube so I had to take it down. My bad, sorry 🙁
Category: Community Event
Novemberbit 2015 is over!
With $9,043 raised, we’ve just finished our biggest Novemberbit ever! Thank you for your generous support!
Most of the backer rewards are already available to be claimed here, however, I’ll keep you updated on some of the remaining reward items and the winner of the KJH gold giveaway.
I can also confirm that the winning hat is the Dragonhat, with an overwhelming 91% of votes (rawr!)
Vote for your Exclusive Novemberbit Hat
Thanks to everyone who joined for the hatstream today. We made SEVEN potential NovemberBit hats.
The Novemberbit reward page has been updated with a voting system. If you’ve backed $49+, you can vote for the official Novemberbit Exclusive Reward Hat. The winning hat will only be available to the $49+ backers.
The hats that don’t win will either be discarded, made available for public purchase, or added to my secret hat stockpile.
Also, wild grass has been fixed so that it gives the correct number of wild grasses. If you previously claimed them, you can reclaim to get your additional +1 wild grass.
Novemberbit 2015!
Our annual server fundraiser / mega-sale has just kicked-off… and it’s the most exciting one yet! It includes a new landrush, possible doubleplat, and a variety of new items. There’s even a 500,000 gold giveaway that’s free to enter, sponsored by Kjh787.
New this year: most rewards can be gotten right away, including the mysterious 3D Test Glasses. What do they do?
Merry Bitmas!
Merry Bitmas everybody! We all opened our Bitmas gifts together:
Afterwards, in true holiday spirit, there was a zombie outbreak and everyone killed each other 😛
<SnakeZXZ> Wow this christmas party took a turn
Speaking of Bitmas gifts, asedita1 sent me a pretty amazing one! Check out this 3D Printed 8BitMMO set & poem. Awesome asedita1, thanks so much! 🙂
Aww, thanks! And I really appreciate everyone’s kind wishes at /tele bitmas as well:
You guys are the best. A Merry Bitmas to everyone! <3
Bitmas Gifts!
90% Funded — New Backer Options!
We’re halfway through our server fundraiser and 90% funded! Thanks to everyone who has contributed!
Many people have asked about substitutions for various reward tiers, so I have made a few of the reward tiers be options:
- The Pocket Universe tier is now the $70 Choice Pack — your choice of ONE of the following: (at the conclusion of the fundraiser, a survey will be mailed out for you to select one — ensure your e-mail is setup in account options!)
- Second Pocket Universe, pre-expanded to 5×5 regions. (I realized 4×4 regions were an odd size for a town, so I upped it to 5×5 regions!)
- Before the end of the fundraiser, you should ensure your first pocket universe is accessible through telepad or towntele, since a second PU may change which PU the root telepad takes you to.
- I will create a second PU for you of usual 2×2 size and give you a token for a free white TS. I will also place a temporary publicpad to there and notify you of its name.
- Place your TS in the PU as desired (this expands it to 3×3), and ensure it is named so you can towntele there. Then notify me you are ready for the expand.
- I will townexpand once for you, bringing the second PU to 5×5
- Or, Existing Pocket Universe Upgrade – upgrade your existing PU from a purple townstone to a white townstone, then town expand one time to 5×5 regions total (include current town name in survey)
- Or, Existing Town Upgrade – upgrade your existing townstone with 3×3 townstone once to a 5×5 town (include current town name in survey)
- Second Pocket Universe, pre-expanded to 5×5 regions. (I realized 4×4 regions were an odd size for a town, so I upped it to 5×5 regions!)
Region Expand blocks – massively more being given out, and even a new type of expander. If you spend at least $100, then for each $50 you have purchased, you will receive BOTH:
- Two 2k expand blocks – Sets the max objects for a region to 2,000 blocks
- AND: Seven +250 expand blocks – Increases the max objects for a region by 250 blocks (no higher than 2k blocks total)
- These items will be granted for each $50 spent as long as you spend at least $100, so for example $100 would net you four 2k blocks and fourteen +250 blocks, $150 would net you six 2k blocks and twenty one +250 blocks, etc…
- Also note that more objects in a region can create more latency, although people seem generally pretty happy with the 2k regions from the last fundraiser.
- Origin plot is now $500 Choice Reward — Your choice of ONE of the following (at the conclusion of the fundraiser, a survey will be mailed out for you to select one — ensure your e-mail is setup in account options!)
- Origin plot – subject to building height restrictions
- Or: 10x “water” objects
- $2k Clarification: if you purchase $2k+ during the fundraiser (wow), I will do one custom designed object per $1k purchased.
And as a reminder, if we make it to 100% of our funding goal, I will double your gold & plat purchased during the fundraiser!
8BitMMO is an awesome indie construction sandbox game, but it’s not free to develop and run. That’s why every year we do a fundraiser / sale to help raise money for servers and development.
Our server infrastructure costs about $445 each month, so our goal for this sale is to cover server costs for the next year ($5,340). Every purchase helps offset this cost! If we manage to reach this goal, I will double your gold & plat purchased during the fundraiser!
Support development and get great rewards. In addition to the usual gold & platinum you get from purchases, for the next month you get extra goodies — read up here for details.
Note that any October purchases have been grandfathered into the fundraiser — I figure that’s only fair since folks are used to October purchases being part of the fundraiser and I was late in starting this year.
Regarding Octoberbit
I’ve been getting a few questions about if Octoberbit is happening this year (Octoberbit is our usual monthlong fundraiser drive/plat sale in October). I e-mailed our top fifteen-ish backers of prior years, and didn’t get much interest for doing one this year, so we’re probably going to skip it for this year.
That being said, if there’s substantial interest from other players, we could still do it. Here’s what the reward tiers could be below. These are not finalized at all, just brainstorming at this point.
(Each tier includes the tiers of the previous tiers. All prices are in US Dollars)
- $1+: Thank you!
- $5+: Receive Gold / Plat pack equivalent to pledge amount, plus a TBD amount of bonus gold/plat (what should this bonus % be?)
- $15+: First to get access to the New Update. It’s going to be awesome.
- $25+: Trap Kit: Deter invaders with a collection of 10x spike traps and 2x turret traps (30 plat value)
- $50+: Limited edition Octoberbit 2014 in-game hat
- $70+: Second Pocket Universe, pre-expanded to 4×4
- $100+: a 2k region expand block for each $50 pledged ($100 = 2x blocks, 150 = 3x, etc…)
- $200+: Premium block set: 100 half-size marble blocks, 100 full-size marble blocks, 100 half-size red stone blocks, 100 full-size red stone blocks, 100 black tile blocks, all stored in a Big Cardboard Town Box (4 plat, 12k gold value)
- $300+: Game credit – your name included in /credits
- $500+: Origin plot?
- $1000+: Work with me to create a custom designed hat, shirt, accessory or decorative building item, for your own use or share with your friends (will provide 1,000 hat tokens to give out as you desire).
If you’re interested in doing Octoberbit this year, please make a preliminary pledge here. If we can hit $2k in pledges, we’ll do it.