The old anti-spam plugin was working pretty well, but I kept seeing an occasional false positive. New one is now set up which should hopefully be more accurate. Feel free to test in this post if you like.
Category: Uncategorized
Steam Greeenlight!
I’m getting ready for PAX and realized I needed to get some new shirts ordered. If anyone else would like to also get a shirt, now’s the time! I’m going to close out ordering on Monday at 3PM Pacific, so get your order in now if you want one 🙂
Read on for product details:
We just crossed 70,000 registered users! Wow! >:D
New Let’s Play Video by RoarArrogance
Wiki = Awesome
Just a shoutout to everyone who has contributed to the wiki — great stuff guys! Keep it up! 🙂
Potato Image Stats
Reward Block Rules
If you are placing a reward block, please take a read through on the placement rules.
Spirit of the rules: The reward block is intended as a reward for players completing a challenge you have built. It is also acceptable to use one as a town guestbook.
- An active, populated town may place one ‘open’ reward block (that does not require a challenge to reach) for use as a guestbook. An empty town that only contains a townstone and a reward block does not qualify.
- For blocks placed at the end of a challenge, it should take at least 5~10 minutes to solve the challenge (ie, end of a dungeon or a end of a complex maze)
- Block must be reachable / challenge must be accomplishable
- Alt characters are not allowed and will be permabanned on sight.
- Fee doors are not allowed to be used in conjunction with reward blocks at all.
- Reward block must be publicly accessible.
PSA: Don’t use ‘trainers’ or ‘cheat programs’
I’ve seen a few people are talking about 8BitMMO ‘trainers’ or ‘cheat programs’ that claim they give you free gold or platinum. I’m strongly encouraging users not to download these. Obviously these programs are against the rules and if they worked would be cause for a ban. Arguments about the fairness of cheating aside, I’ve yet to see any of these programs actually grant gold or plat.
One user decompiled the source code for one of these programs and found out its only function was to send your username and password to the cheat program’s author. Do you really want someone stealing your account? These programs may also come packaged with malware such as viruses, which can be a major pain to get rid of.
TLDR: Avoid shady cheat programs, they’re traps.