The megamap has been updated (be sure to clear your cache if you want to see the updates)
Category: World Atlas
Map Updated!
The megamap has been updated. Don’t forget to clear your cache to see latest version.
Megamap updated!
The megamap has been updated (be sure to clear your cache if you want to see the updates!)
And click on this GIF below if you want to see the difference between 4/26 and 7/26:

MegaMap is updated!
So many cool new places to see! Don’t forget to clear your browser cache first.
Megamap updated
The megamap is updated! If it looks old, don’t forget to clear your browser’s cache.
So many new things on the map to go and explore!
Map of Origin – 4/9/2012 vs 2/10/2012
World Atlas (Feb 10, 2012)
So, after three evenings of rendering, and some automated stitching of thousands of tiny tiles together, the world atlas is FINALLY ready! Keep in mind there are some graphical glitches, but you can still get a sense of the overall world.
Click the image for a much larger version
I had no idea there was so much built up already! I mean, look at the scale of the player vs the scale of the world. HUGE. Mwhahaha. 😀