AZERTY/Keybind Support + Better Hotkeys in Build 2282

Today’s changes:

  • Customize your keybinds (for instance for AZERTY keyboards).  When starting the game via AESU, check ‘File > Show Resolution Options on Launch’ then launch the game.  On the input tab, you will be able to adjust the keys.
  • Level graphic is now displayed on level up
  • Mouse panning enabled while in sell mode
  • Quick jump from buy mode to sell mode just by pressing sell key
  • Camera scroll speed should no longer be dependent on FPS
  • Text size changes to registration page for some languages


AESU on Windows has been updated to version 5 to include a fix that prevents a popup window from showing when “Next” is clicked on the Popular Blueprint Ideas tab.

This AESU build is optional — Windows users can download from the download page or via Steam.  AESU4 for Mac and Linux already include these fixes.

Blueprint Downloads!

Now you can download resource and weapon blueprints into the game.  This allows you to make & share your own resources and weapons!

Simply click Sync on blueprints that you want to download.  When you next start the game, they will be downloaded automatically.


You can manually tune a blueprint’s parameters (for instance, its ingredients), by modifying the appropriate file inside March of Industry\game\MarchOfIndustry_Data\StreamingAssets\ResourceMods\MOD_ID.resmod

If a blueprint needs to be updated, you can force it to be re-downloaded by deleting the appropriate .resmod’s.

You’ll note that when editing blueprints, you can now select whether they are resources or weapons.

There’s also now a forgot password page, a link to blueprints from the options menu, and the build number is moved to be inside the options menu.