Fourteen Years of Development in Screenshots

At 3PM Pacific, we’ll be celebrating our official 1.0 launch!  But it hasn’t been quick to get here.  8BitMMO’s development originally started in 2001, and had a great many rewrites in the intervening fourteen years.

Over the years, I have saved screenshots of what the project looked like. I’ve also provided below some insights as to my thought process and other stuff going on in my life.  This post ended up being far more personal than I intended, but maybe it’ll end up being useful to someone out there.  Indie dev isn’t an easy road.  I’ve had great victories and bad times both.  So ready your modems, because this post is gonna be long.
Continue reading “Fourteen Years of Development in Screenshots”

Mystery Boxes & More Gold

mysteryBoxExperimenting with a couple notable changes aimed at making it easier to build cool stuff for players of all levels without also breaking the bitconomy too badly (hopefully):

  • Added Mystery Boxes, which allow you to randomly get a plat block (or maybe even a rare block) for a mere 1,800g.  (This might be way too low, but let me know what you think in the comments)
  • Goldcap upped from 1k to 2k per gold cycle
  • Mobs give more gold per kill, especially low level mobs
  • Expand blocks cannot be used for the first ten seconds of their existence to prevent accidental use when opening a mystery box
  • Dungeon items are much cheaper (hopefully we’ll see more player-built dungeons in future)
  • 250+ and 2k expand blocks now available for direct purchase in the shop

Still experimenting with the balancing on this, so let me know what you think.

UPDATE: Based on everyone’s feedback, I’ve just made the following changes to the Mystery Box:

  • Upped price, now costs 3750g
  • For common items, the items given will bias towards less expensive items & dungeon items (the more expensive the item, the less likely it is)
  • Rares are now more rare
  • Fixed mystery box shop description in foreign languages

Merry Bitmas!

Merry Bitmas everybody!  We all opened our Bitmas gifts together:

bitmas gifts

Afterwards, in true holiday spirit, there was a zombie outbreak and everyone killed each other  😛

<SnakeZXZ> Wow this christmas party took a turn

Speaking of Bitmas gifts, asedita1 sent me a pretty amazing one!  Check out this 3D Printed 8BitMMO set & poem.  Awesome asedita1, thanks so much! 🙂




Aww, thanks!  And I really appreciate everyone’s kind wishes at /tele bitmas as well:


You guys are the best.  A Merry Bitmas to everyone! <3



After months of development and testing, the Transponder system is now available to all players to try on Primary server!

Transponders let you build & defend a base from an invading horde of monsters (and other players).  You’ll receive gold & EXP for participating in a match, and an even larger amount if you win the match.

To get started, build a base layout in your pocket that protects the transponder.  Note mobs WILL destroy blocks when the transponder is activated!  More advanced construction blocks will have higher defensive HP, so plan accordingly.  The attacking force scales to your character’s level, so it should be a challenge regardless of if you’re a new player or an old one.

Once you’re happy with your pocket fortress, use the Transponder to summon an invading force.  If you want to fight against another player, you can ask them to use the new CombatPad in root at the same time.

At the end of the match, all participants will be given gold & exp based on how the match goes.  If you want to instantly rebuild any lost blocks, type /restorelist

Transponder Public Testing on Potato

Transponders are now available for everyone to test on Potato server!  Please let me know about any bugs.


  • Fixed issue where transponders wouldn’t be attacked from the left if they were on a 1×1 tile platform
  • Fixed transponder permissions bug where anyone could activate transponder
  • Transponder now publicly available for purchase in Dungeon category

Transponder Updates (on Potato)

  • It is now possible to insta-rebuild destroyed blocks from a transponder match.  Via /restorelist, you can get a list of the five most recent matches and how many blocks were destroyed in each.  With /restorelimbo, you can restore destroyed blocks from a given match.  Currently the cost for this is 1 plat per instant rebuild. (Shown in the video at 4:56)
  • Super fancy UI for when starting & finishing match (check it out in the video at 4:26)
  • Fixed bug where mobs would attack other attackers
  • Match observers should not be targeted or be able to cause damage to mobs
  • Block HP now scales to its relative cost for most gold blocks & doors
  • Block & Player HP heals to full HP at the beginning of a match
  • Disallow changes to townpvp during a transponder battle

Font Changes in Potato Testing

Some small changes to how fonts are handled:

  • Non-english language: will render using entirely system TTF fonts (looks nicer & more consistent than mixing fonts within the same sentence)
  • Custom texture pack authors can now dump in chatFont.ttf, questHeaderFont.ttf, and questFont.ttf files into to change up the in-game fonts

These changes are only currently being tested on Potato live.

Here’s some random fonts for texture pack testing:


Gamejam: “So, uh… a spaceship crashed in my yard”


A spaceship named Aria crashed into your front yard!  Now it’s up to you to find the parts she needs to escape Earth.

  • Adventure!
  • Intrigue!
  • Jellyfish!

A humorous adventure gamejam entry for last weekend’s jam.

Download (windows only)

  • Download v1 – Official Gamejam Submission
  • Download v3 – Fixes crash on use item in pool bug [<<recommended download]


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