Regarding Octoberbit

I’ve been getting a few questions about if Octoberbit is happening this year (Octoberbit is our usual monthlong fundraiser drive/plat sale in October). I e-mailed our top fifteen-ish backers of prior years, and didn’t get much interest for doing one this year, so we’re probably going to skip it for this year.

That being said, if there’s substantial interest from other players, we could still do it.  Here’s what the reward tiers could be below.  These are not finalized at all, just brainstorming at this point.

(Each tier includes the tiers of the previous tiers.  All prices are in US Dollars)

  • $1+: Thank you!
  • $5+:  Receive Gold / Plat pack equivalent to pledge amount, plus a TBD amount of bonus gold/plat (what should this bonus % be?)
  • $15+: First to get access to the New Update.  It’s going to be awesome.
  • $25+: Trap Kit: Deter invaders with a collection of 10x spike traps and 2x turret traps (30 plat value)
  • $50+: Limited edition Octoberbit 2014 in-game hat
  • $70+: Second Pocket Universe, pre-expanded to 4×4
  • $100+: a 2k region expand block for each $50 pledged ($100 = 2x blocks, 150 = 3x, etc…)
  • $200+: Premium block set:  100 half-size marble blocks, 100 full-size marble blocks, 100 half-size red stone blocks, 100 full-size red stone blocks, 100 black tile blocks, all stored in a Big Cardboard Town Box (4 plat, 12k gold value)
  • $300+: Game credit – your name included in /credits
  • $500+: Origin plot?
  • $1000+: Work with me to create a custom designed hat, shirt, accessory or decorative building item, for your own use or share with your friends (will provide 1,000 hat tokens to give out as you desire).

If you’re interested in doing Octoberbit this year, please make a preliminary pledge here.  If we can hit $2k in pledges, we’ll do it.

Officially just started working on The Next Big Update!


Oven Updates on Potato


  • Raw meat can now be purchased & cooked to taste.  Don’t leave it on the oven too long or it’ll get crispy (thanks for suggestion Dragonslayerwei & Hermit).
  • Note there is a known issue with meat shadows currently
  • Oven recipes changed up a bit based on suggestions from Sage
  • Oven now retains ownership through bake process (thanks for bug report Sage/Value)
  • In the wilderness, only the owner can bake using the oven (ovens can still be used by others when in towns)
  • Ovens cannot be used across town borders
  • Fixed bug where teleportation to a manually created system universe was erroneously denied
  • Oven optimization to properly unload inactive ovens

Barring any crash issues, I plan to update Primary with all the Potato test updates soon!

Assorted updates

These changes are being tested out on Potato server:

  • Food objects can be used in inventory by right clicking them
  • Food items can only be used once per 2.5sec to prevent becoming invincible in PvP
  • Laser rifle is slightly more expensive (500->600g), while its ammo is significantly less expensive (300->150g)
  • Localization note added to spreadsheet
  • Fixed bug where sometimes ~ was displayed erroneously in localized text

Also: MegaMap’s coordinate system is working again 🙂

Please let me know if you spot any new bugs from these changes!