75k users! And Keys & Doors is live

key door

We just hit 75,000 registered users!

Also, the keys & doors update is now live:  There are now three different key/door pairs, and keys generated are unique to each city.  You can give/trade players keys or have them autospawn.  Use them to give only specific people in a city access to a building, or to make dungeons more interesting!

I have added one to the first dungeon, the Law Offices of LOL & LOL.

Next Update: Keys

keybigNext update will let you get keys that you can use on new special key doors.  There will be three different key/door pairs, and keys will be unique to each city.  You will be able to give/trade players keys or have them autospawn.

Use them to give only specific people in a city access to a building, or to make dungeons more interesting!

Game Reviewers mob & New Swords are out!

Lots of changes in this update:

  • New mob: Game Reviewer.
    He does not move quickly, but has lots of hp and is strong.  There is a good strategy for taking him down, but I’ll let you discover it!
  • New mob: Dire Game Reviewer
  • New weapon: Blue Sword
  • New weapon: Red Sword
  • Your health now increases with each level gained.
    This change is retroactive — just respawn to get your new max HP
  • Monsters will no longer attack through the ceiling/floor
  • Fix for lost permaitems bug

Psy has created a dungeon for the game reviewer – once its populated with some nefarious mobs, I will link it from root.  It will be targeted for players who are level 3 or later.


Upcoming update… with 3x new mobs!

The next update is going to be pretty big.  Not only will it have the swords, it will also have at least three new mobs & their accompanying spawners.  This week I re-wrote how melee mobs are handled, so it’s a lot easier to add new ones.  Health will increase with each level.  I plan to release all this the week after next week (probably around 8/6)… hopefully by then, the new dungeons are ready to go.

block troll shot


Yes, you will get to fight game reviewers.  Hehehehe 😀