Today’s Updates

A couple updates for today:

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes if you used friends list it wouldn’t save your character until next reboot (thanks for bug report mina8)
  • Fixed bug where using arrow keys to move around would also scroll quest window (thanks for the bug report pixelpooper2)
  • Much more optimized code for spawners
  • Implemented blue & red swords, but to avoid unbalancing everything they can’t be purchased yet.  Soon!
  • Hipsters are way more deadly.  (I intended this for next week’s update to go along with the swords, but it ended up sneaking out.  Oh well, enjoy! :P)

Friend List

By popular demand, a basic friend list is now (finally) implemented:

  • /friend add <username> – add a friend
  • /friend remove <username> – remove friend
  • /friend list (or /f) – list friends

Anyone you add to your friend list, you will be able to see their online status with /f

Mutual friends will be notified when each other join/quit the game, and if they’re online, the name of the town they’re currently located in.


I’m excited to announce that 8BitMMO has been accepted into REACTOR, a start-up accelerator program here in Seattle that empowers the next generation of talent and innovation in games and apps.  I’ve been getting some quality mentoring, networking opportunities with other industry pros, and office space in their incubator lab.





Quest Reminder Window Changes

I’ve changed up quest text and the position of the quest reminder window to be easier to read.  Noobs never read the old one, so hopefully this one will be more useful to them for learning.  It’s way more noticeable, and the bullet-point outlining should be much more skimable.  Note that quest text won’t change to the new format until you turn in and get new quests.

new quest reminder window


  • Any change to inventory will reset inventory scroll (prevents getting stuck when scrolled down and sell items)
  • Leveling window moved to left
  • Menu > quests now toggles reminder window
  • Leveling window no longer moves in relation to quest window
  • You can still hide the quest reminder window the old fashioned way (SHIFT + U)

Leveling System Added

Big update today!  Based on player feedback and suggestions, I’ve added a new leveling system to the game.  You’ll notice an Exp Bar displayed next to your active item now:

7.5.13 level meter

You can gain experience points by:

  • Slay Lawyercats, Hipsters, and Slugs
  • Fight enemies in PvP arenas
  • Complete quests

Once you do, you will unlock items in the shop for each level:

7.5.13 level shop lockedv7.5.13 level shop unlocked

New items and shop categories with new items are highlighted in green to make them easy to find.

Some other misc changes:

  • Fixed bug where goldcap didn’t reset if you were offline when the timer reset
  • Admin command /potato to remotely turn people into potatoes 😛

Let me know how you like the new system!

PS, thanks to Trololo for the trap category bug report – is now fixed.