Gaming technology is changing.  Every day, the quality bar for games changes and developers must meet the needs of their customers.

Consumers are demanding lower and lower fidelity graphics that requires short development time and attainable budgets.  Developers everywhere are bewildered by this unusually reasonable trend.

That’s why we’re excited to announce a new title capitalizing on this bold new direction.  Introducing… 1BitMMO!


You told us “8BitMMO has too many bits,” or at least someone said that, possibly the smelly guy who throws muffins on 3rd avenue.  Anyway, we listened and now we have 87.5% less bits!

1BitMMO is a non-graphical M.U.D., essentially a multiplayer text adventure.  It cost an exhaustive development time of at least forty-five minutes, and is totally not just a stock mud downloaded from an FTP site because it also includes a snazzy 1BitMMO logo when you connect to it.

Said the lead developer, “We spent most of the development budget on a ham and cheese sandwich.  Our investors have confirmed this was a good decision as the sandwich also came with soup, and was only a few days old.  With our remaining $2.74, we hired a toddler to create the detailed artwork — who later had to back out of the project due to artistic differences and a scheduling conflict with naptime.”

1BitMMO launches today, April 1st, and is playable today only on the 8BitMMO website.  (Or you can play normal 8BitMMO by clicking here.)

Left Handled Doors + Updated Java Cert

Today’s update brings two changes:

First – the Java SSL code signing cert has been updated.  It was about to expire this week, but I got it renewed just in time.  So, you might see a popup that the cert has changed.

Second – one suggestion from princewilliam3 in the suggestion box that had accrued a number of votes was for left-handled doors.  It seemed like a pretty smart idea, so I implemented it for the latest build.  Having one of each looks better for double doors.  Here’s an example, which is animated for no good reason 😛


Also, since there’s now six doors total, they’ve been moved to their own subfolder in the construction category.

8BitMMO Wins 2013 Seattle Independent Game Competition!!

I am super excited to share with you that we won the 2013 Seattle Independent Game Competition!  We faced some top caliber competitors, and it’s an honor to be selected as this year’s winner!

Here’s some pictures snapped (on my cell phone, sorry) at the event:





Update 2/4, one new pic I got:



Power of Play – This Thursday!

If you’re a Seattle area local and want to watch me do a short presentation on the game and hang out at my table, come on down to the Power of Play in Bellevue.

We have a discount code you can use for $10 off:  ‘SS13’

Don’t miss the Legend of Games panel, the battle to become the Top Indie Game in Seattle, the power of the REACTOR Accelerator. All followed by the Games Industry party – This is the Power of Play!  Information and registration at www.powerofplay.us


Power of Play Agenda on Thursday, January 31, 2013:

2:00pm – 3:00pm        2nd Annual Indie Game Competition

3:30pm – 5:30pm        REACTOR Accelerator Presentation and Legend of Games Panel

5:30pm – 7:30pm        Game Industry Party with Food, drinks and Networking


In addition, throughout the event, stop by any of our display tables to learn more about this year’s Indie Game Competitors, Companies in REACTOR Accelerator.  Also, from 1:30pm – 3:30pm network with International Game Companies at our 2nd Annual International B2B Session.


Come to a portion or all of the Power of Play events in Bellevue, WA at:

Meydenbauer Center

11100 NE 6th Street
Bellevue, WA  98004

(425) 637-1020