Server Migration: Finished!

In under an hour, we’re up and running on a brand new server!


The new server is faster (3.4ghz quad core instead of 2.66 ghz quad core) and features better connectivity — load times should be slightly faster, ping times slightly lower, and hopefully no more random connection outages.

Please let me know how the new server is working for you, and if you spot anything broken.

Gold & HP Status Notifications

This one has been way overdue, but I’ve finally added status change notifications over player & npc heads.  No more “you got 1 gold” messages filling up the chat window, as this will instead be shown with an icon over your head.  HP damage is also shown in a red font.

Gold is now added directly to your player, instead of having to manually pick it up.

Finally, Hipsters now give two gold instead of one.