Gold Safe

Today’s update introduce the Gold Safe, in the shop under Household Goods.

The safe allows you to store & retrieve gold.  Anyone can deposit gold into it, but in order to retrieve the gold, you must open it using a password that you specify.  This makes it useful as a donation box, or a shared resource usable by trusted members of your city.

Once you purchase one, be sure to set a password on it, and then close it.  This will prevent strangers from taking gold out of it.

Be careful who you give the password to — once the safe is open, anyone can take gold out of it, or change its password.  Because of this, you might want to build a vault room around it for added security.  You’ll be able to see nearby persons putting money into, taking money out of, or changing the password on a safe.

As you put more gold into the safe, when its open you’ll be able to see larger quantities inside it.  When closed, the quantity will be a secret.

Here are the safe commands (the list can be seen by typing /safe help while near a safe):

  • /safe open <password> (or o <password>)
  • /safe close (or c)
  • /safe pw <password> – sets new password (requires safe to be open)
  • /safe deposit <quantity> (or d <quantity>) (does NOT have to be open)
  • /safe withdraw <quantity (or w <quantity>) (Safe must be open)
  • /safe count