Whisper Support

The much requested whisper / private message support is in!  Now you can do one of these to send another player your message:

  • /w <player name> <message>
    Example: /w Sim9 Hello there
  • /w <player name>|<message>
    Example /w Sim9|Hello there
    This second version is useful if the player has a space in their name.  IE: /w Three Word Name|hello there

The message will not be shown publicly, nor will it be shown in IRC.  Whispers are still logged though, in case of abuse.


Are you ready to eat your friends’ brains out?  Then head into the shop and check out the new Races submenu.  There’s one entry so far, Zombie.

Select this to turn yourself into a Zombie!  From there, you must seek out delicious (and nutritious!) brains.  As normal, players in town are safe from attacks, but anyone in the wilderness is fair game (hehe, see what I did there?).  Run on up to them and hit spacebar to nom on them.  After you’ve eaten their delicious brain, they will be a zombie too!  That will stave off your hunger… for a while.  Once you die, or Respawn, you will turn back into a Human.

Your text will also be appropriately zombified 😉

Other patch notes for build 588:

  • Health now regenerates on Menu > Respawn
  • /sellallinv had an issue correctly calculating the value of blocks that were almost worthless — that is now fixed.
  • Shop tool tips can now be multiple lines, and have extra padding.  They also will now flip to be on the left of the mouse pointer if there is not enough space to fully show on the right.
  • Fixed an issue where swords wouldn’t be autoselected if you just bought one

Build 576: Town Doors & More

Just rolled out Build 576 which adds Town Doors and several fixes:

  • Added Town Door – Town doors have white handles, and any citizen of the town it is placed in can open it (thanks for the suggestion, ZackAttackHall!)
  • LawyerCats no longer spawn in mid-air (finally! ;))
  • Fixed bug where picking up items that are returned to someone else’s inventory counted against your inventory quota
  • Improved netcode – Env packets are 45% smaller, Inventory packets 27% smaller