Player Trading is done! (Build 511)

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve completed work on one of the top voted ideas from the suggestion box… Player Trading!

In build 511, you can trade with another player by getting close to them and typing /trade <their player name here>

Drag the items from your inventory that you wish to offer to the dark gray box at the top half of the trade window.  You can drag an item out of the trade window to no longer offer it.

To change the quantity of an item offered, press / while dragging an item stack in or out of the window to increment or decrement the quantity by that much.

When you are happy with the trade, click ‘I accept this trade‘ – your box will turn green to indicate acceptance.  When both of you click accept, the trade will be executed.

Happy Trading!

PS – build 511 should also fix that weird issue that sometimes happened where sometimes the active item window quantity displayed got desynced with your actual inventory quantity!  Also, quantity font is white now to help with readability.

New Build 507 is up

Uploaded a new build with these changes:

  • Everyone is not lawyercats anymore 😉
  • Sword now does damage on where it’s pointed, and on top of you.  So there should be less instances of an enemy sneaking underneath you and you having to backpedal
  • On death, enemies will flash red and fade out instead of just disappearing
  • On the referral screen, ‘copy refer link’ will now actually copy the refer link 😛
  • Less screen flickering when reading through multiple dialog boxes

ANNOUNCEMENT: 8BitMMO Coming to Kongregate!

I am pleased to announce that 8BitMMO will be coming soon to popular online gaming service Kongregate!

Our integration on the platform will allow for:

High Score Tables – Compete to be #1 in either LawyerCats Killed or Blocks Placed!  Who will reign supreme?!

One Click Game Login – After you’ve made your account, you’ll be able to log back into it via your Kongegate account with one click on the game page.

Easier to Support Development – Many players have wanted to support development financially, but don’t have a credit card.  If you want to support the game (still optional!), you will be able to do so with many mechanisms, including mobile phone payment and GameStop’s gift cards.

I am very excited for 8BitMMO to join the high quality games at Kongregate, and I look forward to seeing some healthy competition on the high score tables!