8BitMMO is a MMO game that is still very early in development. Right now there’s only one weapon (stab things with your sword!), one NPC (slay lawyercats!), and a couple basic tilesets (build a fort!). But there’s enough content you can start to see what the game is like, and a number of us have already had fun playing. 🙂
How to get it: No download, it plays in your browser. Just launch 8bit.vg
Essential controls:
- WASD – movement
- Enter – to chat
- I – Show inventory screen. Click an item in your inventory to make it your active item
- Spacebar – use active item (click sword and use spacebar to stab things)
How to play:
- Look around near the spawn point for CAT5 ports, which is where LawyerCats spawn. (This is a super-serious game.
- Slay LawyerCats and collect the loot
- Once you have enough loot, press H to open the shop. Buy stuff to build with
- To build, use inventory to select an item to place in world, then press R to drop item — click where it goes
- Advanced building tip: hold SHIFT to set Z height
- Advanced building tip: use the Z Axis Lock in the bottom right as another way of setting Z height
That’s pretty much it for this build… hope you enjoy!