Novemberbit 2015 is over!

With $9,043 raised, we’ve just finished our biggest Novemberbit ever!  Thank you for your generous support!


Most of the backer rewards are already available to be claimed here, however, I’ll keep you updated on some of the remaining reward items and the winner of the KJH gold giveaway.

I can also confirm that the winning hat is the Dragonhat, with an overwhelming 91% of votes (rawr!)

Vote for your Exclusive Novemberbit Hat

Thanks to everyone who joined for the hatstream today.  We made SEVEN potential NovemberBit hats.

The Novemberbit reward page has been updated with a voting system.  If you’ve backed $49+, you can vote for the official Novemberbit Exclusive Reward Hat.  The winning hat will only be available to the $49+ backers.

The hats that don’t win will either be discarded, made available for public purchase, or added to my secret hat stockpile.

HatStream2015VoteAlso, wild grass has been fixed so that it gives the correct number of wild grasses.  If you previously claimed them, you can reclaim to get your additional +1 wild grass.

9BitMMO Build 2038 – Bug Fixes

Desktop and applet versions updated with:

  • Disconnection message added so you know when you get disconnected
  • Fixed bug where teleporting sometimes caused player to get stuck
  • Shift+H can be used to toggle on/off chat notifications
  • Chat notifications don’t show on top of chat window
  • Login process is a bit nicer with errors properly displayed, please wait screen, etc

Novemberbit 2015!

3dGlasses2Our annual server fundraiser / mega-sale has just kicked-off… and it’s the most exciting one yet!  It includes a new landrush, possible doubleplat, and a variety of new items.  There’s even a 500,000 gold giveaway that’s free to enter, sponsored by Kjh787.

New this year: most rewards can be gotten right away, including the mysterious 3D Test Glasses.  What do they do?

8BitMMO: The Mousepad

I just picked this up for $1 (including shipping from Hong Kong to USA):

mousepadHere’s how I did it:

  1. Head to retailmenot and plug in “mousepad” for mousepad deals.  Grab one of the $.99 mousepad coupon codes
  2. I went with a company called Artscow.
  3. You might not want to use your main e-mail, because they’re going to spam it with stuff every day, even if you opt out during registration.
  4. I got the “Large Mousepad”
  5. Here’s some art you can use.
  6. It ships from Hong Kong, so it takes a couple weeks to arrive.  On the plus side, this probably means international shipping isn’t extra.

EDIT: Apparently not all the codes there get you the $1 pad + free shipping.  Try this one:  Z099MOUSEPADNSQNK or the others on the retailmenot site.