Just stumbled out of bed to fi… Just stumbled out of bed to find we are on the frontpage of RockPaperShotgun AND IndieGames! ZOMG! Thanks guys! >:D
Growing up, I remember watchin… Growing up, I remember watching a light gray progress box for hours while Premiere renders. Technology sure has advanced. Now it’s dark gray
More future proofing today: w… More future proofing today: web pages using memcached, server select page, and referral bonuses work across servers
Newbie area now has more Lawye… Newbie area now has more LawyerCat spawn points, and is harder to sneak back into. Newbies only! 😉
You are now able to buy dirt f… You are now able to buy dirt from the shop again. If you really want to buy dirt, lol.
Heads up, I’m going to tidy up… Heads up, I’m going to tidy up some of the half-built buildings in town whose owners haven’t logged in for a while (>1 month)