We should do another contest!

I started work back up on the new engine and am making progress!  But, there’s still a notable amount of work there until that’s ready for public beta.  In the meantime, we should do another public contest because those are always fun 🙂

In the past, we’ve done a social media sharing sweepstakes and a fanart contest.  We could do one of those again, or something new (fanfic contest?  coolest building contest?  forum post sweepstakes?).  There will be a reward for the winner.

So… what kind of contest should we do?  Post in comments!


12 thoughts on “We should do another contest!”

  1. Design an item. Winners item gets added, and they get a special colored version (wearable item or just a trophy in-game, either way.)

    1. This is a typical contest held in a lot of games cough gaiaonline cough. However Sim has started that legal issues prevents him from adding player created items to game. I am not sure if that still stands or not though. Otherwise it is a good idea. I don’t agree with special in game items as prizes though. That is one of the things I hate the most. A decent amount of plat or a town stone or even both would be good for a prize.

    2. This is a good idea, but yeah, I’d need to get the winner to sign something saying I could include their item in-game.

  2. North of the spawn area in root ( available to everyone ) put a big dead horse pinata that has like a million hp that keeps track of who has dealt the most damage to it. Then when the dead horse is dead the top X players who did the most damage get a prize. ( kjh this ones for you lol )

  3. how about town contest? best/most creative town wins alot of coins (mayor must choose who deserves it) or a chance to make the town really big

    1. This would be really unfair on so many levels. Psychoticsmiley or kjh787 would win this one before the contest even started. They both have enormous cities full of great creative projects already and have the money and resources. Any new players wanting to participate don’t stand a chance.

  4. A very easy, fair contest. Objective is to kill the most LawyerCats as possible. Maybe the contest will last only 5 days minimum. Winner gets probably 1000 gold and a rare item, to wear/use. Or maybe plats and a townstone. ;P Pretty simple, right?

  5. Some kind of treasure hunt/ find the objects game?
    It might not be suitable; I just thought it would be an interesting way to showcase all the stuff people have already built as well as tempting newcomers to join in.
    There would have to be good clues to give people a fighting chance to find anything.
    But I don’t really know what would count as winning, and some people would have a massive advantage knowing where things are and how to get there.

    Alternatively, some kind of build-off given a theme or goal within fixed space and resources, possibly on a specially allocated contest grounds divided into lots. Rather than use fresh wilderness, this could perhaps fit into some area between towns that are too awkward for new towns or town expansion.

    1. Neat, yeah we did a clue hunt back when safes launched, but I had no end of people asking me for hints when we did it 😛 Still, it was a really cool event, and I’ll do another at some point in the future.

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