The 2k Expansion Block has been delivered to backers of the Mega fundraiser from a couple months ago — check your inboxes if I haven’t already caught you online.
The block increases the maximum number of objects of a region from 1,000 blocks to 2,000 blocks. I didn’t want to release this previously due to performance concerns, but after the recent performance improvements, I’m looking forward to seeing how the engine handles such demands. If it performs well, then this might be available in the store one day.
PS – Tarkus, if you’re reading this, I don’t have an e-mail for you, so please get in touch and I’ll trade the blocks to your account. 🙂
I need this
We all do…
ill sell you one for 400k.
SHUSH KJH. XD You know people dont got gold like that xD Very few do.
i wanna buy expansion block
I want expand my town
This should be server wide… Or in the platt shop at least…
Gotta see how it affects performance before I open it up to everyone
hmmm i see i vould like a town but i have no plat im in bosina and hercegovina this country is far from usa and england
If this comes out how much will it cost?