Dragon Audit – Controls Update (SVN3850)

Dragon Audit has a new controls update, available on Steam & AESU.  This update expands on the control options, including adding a new Mouse Look mode.

The three control modes are now:

  • Controller – Still the recommended way to play.
    This mode is default, but you can get back to it by the main Reset All button on the left of options (or to only reset the controls, click ‘Reset controls to mouse look’ and tune down sensitivity back down to 100%)
  • Mouse Look (New) – Keyboard for navigation + mouse to look around.  This is similar to some other third person 3D adventure games.
    Activate this by clicking ‘reset controls to Mouse Look.’ (Doing this will bind the controls appropriately, including new mouse button bindings for left click / right click, toggles off the camera follow, and ups the look sensitivity to 150%).
  • Keyboard Look (Original) – Use the keyboard to move and look around — still supported if you prefer this.
    Activate this by clicking ‘reset controls to Keyboard Look.’ (This will rebind controls, toggle on quick camera follow, and set look sensitivity down to 100%)

In addition to Mouse Look, the update also adds support for:

  • Tunable look sensitivity setting
  • Ability to adjust (or disable!) the camera automated return to center movement behavior
  • Decrease the character movement speed if it is too fast

Lastly, some bug fixes:

  • Fixed a rare bug where George would slide through the Meet Scene
  • Fix that weird foot dance Metra would sometimes do at the beginning of Ayraw’s Castle gameplay section
  • Localization updates & fixes

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